Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Love is a many trousered thing;

Hello People(:

The question, "What is love?" always pops out in many stories, movies & even in your heads. Falling in love, getting hurt & ever hurting someone.

Ask yourself, what is love?

In my opinion, love is ..

Boy meets girl. Love occurs. It can occur any time, any where, any how. Nothing else matters as feelings can't be controlled. You fall in love, & you'd have a hard time climbing out.

Ziany says:

Love is a feelin that its very easy to find but at the same time hard to hold onto it . Love is not just a connection between one another through lust nut with our souls .

Syaz says:

It's an unexplainable feeling..

Keeleigh says:

It's something you have as a past time !!

Yeah, the others were wayy too lazy to type something for me :( Anyway, as you guys already know i've been feeling very down these couple of days. For those who KEEEEP asking whats wrong, i'm really sorry, but it's private. It's not that I don't wanna tell you, it's just that i shouldn't. & won't. But go figure it out, i doubt you'd get it anyway. It's been 4 days now. The pain is still there. Well, not really pain, I just feel soooo down. I don't even have memories to look back, as their all dead. I was left alone watching them die.

There wasn't much memories but whattheheck, love occured. It's not that I wanted it to happen, it's not that this is all on purpose. It's just that ... you see, even I can't explain it. How could you love someone & feel so wrong about it? Don't answer that. I don't wanna know either.

Were not the only ones in this world who face-D the same problem. There are others out there. It's good that it's over, but it's also bad, because this way, I don't see anything in the future. Nothing but sadness all over again.

I don't know, is it just me or is it because i've really really fallen for you, deeply? You tell me. I may not show love, we may not talk anymore, or ever more, but hey, my feelings are still here. Who knows how long they'd last, but they are STILL HERE. I don't want them to go away either, at least not now, not soon.

I've been hiding this sadness from you, yeah. Because it's no point at all for me to be telling you all these. You can't do anything about it, can you? I've thought many times, should I just move on? Since it just got over like that, *snap*. Exactly like what they say, life sucks & then you die. Totally agree yo.

Anyway, that's it for this post. Since there are no pictures here, hardly anyone would even read it. So yeah,

He kisses like the wind whistling through the wattle
He kisses like a prayer I said at the age of nine
I couldn't open my eyes for hours
He kisses and our fireplace glows
He kisses
& the nuns at St Rita's turn their heads
He kisses as the dogs bark
He kisses on a sunny day
all afternoon, two days before things ended
He kisses and even the ghost is silent
He kisses with the taste of toothpaste
& his hand softly on my wrist
He kisses & I think of love
the best day ever
& the beach on a family holiday
He kisses with his eyes closed
With lips firmly brushing mine
He kisses in his black shirt with silver lining
He kisses with a sharp intake of breath
He kisses me, He kisses me
& I kiss back.


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