Monday, May 2, 2011

Vivien :)


Last week's been a great week. Sports day & Meeting Vivien! :)

Me & Her ;)

This is Nicole :)




This is Sebastian :)

Viv :)

The dinner was great. The highlight of everything, was of course, meeting Vivien :) Finally, after a looooong time. We've met. I loved Saturday night. If only it could repeat itself. Also, on that night. I learnt a veeery valueble lesson. I'm choosing not to say it here because the lesson only applies to me :p heh.

Anyways, sports day went okay. Pretty boring to be honest. Other than that, there's nothing much that went on last week. Midyears are in two weeks :/ Supposedly studying right now. I'd get to that soon :)

More Taylor Lautner ;)

Kristen's dead lucky :/


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Taylor Lautner.



I love him now. Like, i never knew he was this talented. I wish i'd knew earlier. I would've bought the 498 ticket instead -.- EITHER WAYS, He's darn good looking :) And so adorable. To make it all better, he brought out Joel Madden from Good Charlotte ;) AHH. The love.

OH, and did i mention, i have a sudden obsession for Taylor Lautner. Well, i know exactly why. But i'm not going to mention. Either ways, ain't he just so darn good looking?! I mean, ahh look at those eyes :) I don't care if he's short, he's still loved ;)

Sigh. Funion hot stuff. Literally, him, me, bed, NOW. (Y)


Sunday, April 17, 2011


Well, hello there! Honestly i don't know why i'm still awake. Also, i don't know how the time past so bloody fast that it's already 3.30am right now. HA. Swear i thought it was only about 1 something. Or so. Well, i baked macarons today. Chocolate macarons with nutella filling. Tasted awesome. A little harder than usual macarons but it was my first time. Guess i have alot of room for improvement :) They look like these, Looks pretty good right? Hahaha. Kinda okay lah, for my first time. At least the shape and stuff turned out right. Tasted good too. I can't stop eating but it keeps my throat so dry :( But yknw, it's REALLY GOOD :3 Hahaha. Oh, and i camwhored a little today. Felt bored so yeah, pictures as below. & if you're wondering how my webcam quality suddenly became so kinda okay ish, well it's because i'm using my dad's. HAHA. NOT BAD EH. I know, i wish this was my laptop :(

The last two pictures are from my mom's laptop btw. So yeah, anyways, nothing much. Next week's gonna be a busy week (:

I've got, school from mon-thurs as always, thursday night, BIEBER! friday afternoon, flishmob. friday night, charity dinner :D saturday, apparently damien's party thinga majig. sunday, churchh. then on 29th, sunway college's prom? idk if i should go though. then on the 30th, sports day & convents charity talentdinner (:

thats all, for now. x!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Hii. I'm back today. hehe. My computer is kinda like down right now so i'm using my mom's comp just to blog. yay me. Well, kinda had drama practice today, for a short half an hour after classes today. Was actually pretty productive & good. As we performed the bst out of all times we've practiced. Honestly i thought it was good but the starting seemed a little rushy : Anyways, i kinda loved the last part where it was so funny how me, Grace & Mukhzani had no idea what to say. So it went like, Me: Uh, soo *giggles* their looking down on us right now. Grace: *tries to act sad but she's laughing* Ms Alexis: *stares* Mukhzani: uhhh. okaaaaaaaaayy. Me, Grace, Mukhzani AND Ms. Alexis: *LAUGHS* Hahaha. So funny, but yeah its kinda like a, "you had to be there to laugh" kinda situation. Hehe. Oh and, i have pictures from my cousins wedding by the way (:

Oh, and, pictures from Vietnam :)

thats probably about it as for pictures. lazy to upload the rest cause it kinda takes very long. hahah. i'm feeling pretty sleepy actually. also having cross country tomorrow which i'm not even sure if i CAN go or not considering my mom not wanting to fetch me anywhere AND because i have training, ugh. So i guess probably i just got to decide the next morning. Sigh* Waking up early, AGAIN. /:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm back!


look, i'm back on blogger! ha.

Not sure if i can even blog as much as i used to but oh well. Anyways, how is everyone doing?

Just so you know, i did not end up going to SMKKK. I ended up in SriKL instead. At first, i felt like killing myself because i couldn't end up in the school i wanted to be in but yknw, it's fine. SriKL isn't that bad after all :) I love my class. Omg! Let pictures tell the story okay?! :D We'll start with SMK Seafield's IU day ;)

Me, on IU Day.

Grace, Anne & I

Anne, Me, Nick.

Danial Hazeeq ;)

Su min, Anne, Grace & i ;)

Xing Yiow, Me & Danial!


So, then comes photos from class :)

Then comes, the pictures from 4 Beta's Drama 2011.

Thennn, My 16th Birthday :)

Oh, and a class photo just so you know who my 2nd family is :)


4 BETA 2011!

Thats all for photos. I've spent way too much time uploading. Haha. Time for some typing :)

Well, i've been actually "living the life" for the past few weeks. Been extremely happy with where i stand right now :) I have literally the greatest friends, living a super awesome life. I mean yeah it's kinda stressing having to study so much and all but yknw, i know im not alone so it's fine :)

I'm not going to open up anything else. As you all should already know, the deepest secrets lie in my private blog ;)

Good day, mates!