Monday, February 9, 2009


I just got back from cheer practice at school. Whoa, a while SIX HOURS of cheering, jumping, shouting, etc etc. My leg hurts like wtf cuz i wore the WRONG SHOES. I wore sandles , being so blur in the morning i forgot there were such existance of SNEAKERS? Anyway, i think from tan, i've become TANNER. o_o How sad right? but oh well, i've got time to wipe it off after sports day is ovaaar ! My mum came to fetch Augustine, Marcia & me after practice and she bought us McDonaldssss ! I was kinda full already tho cuz Augustine bought me a can of coke, pssssshh. Our formations are awesomeee, our cheer is kinda okay, but i kinda feel sorry for Aisyah, i guess it ain't easy being the captain of the squad aye? Anyway i'm glad Amirah liked ma new hair. So she's going to cut it short too? :D Ah, anyway, imma go take a bath & a loooooooooooooooooooooooong nap now. Missing my noob bf(:

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