Thursday, June 4, 2009

Something's coming & I'm not ready.


Omg, I'm soo sorry I didn't post on your birthdayy, I was searching all over for this picture in my computer & i couldn't find it! The suddenly i remembered that i had it on Myspace -.- So i took it from there :) Anyway, I've only known you for what, 6 months now? & i guess i can consider you my best friend now. You're the only one i let my secrets to, well other than Amanda that is. You're in US now :( & I can't wait for you to get back! I seriously miss you bby. Haha, i cnt wait to see those pictures & stories. I cnt wait for you to get back so that i cn let you hear the "Singh is King" song. LOL. Okay i'm getting a little off topic here. Soo, it's your 14th birthday, i haven't got you anything but i promise i will, something awesome that can last for pretty long (: Aite, thats it , again, Happy Belated Bday!



I've got only one thing to blog about,

Last few days, i've been having dreams about my boyfriend breaking-up / cheating on me. It's like, one day the dream will be he cheated on me, the other day the dream would be he's breaking up with me.


IS THAT A SIGN ?!?!?!?!?!

Fuck lah, and these days things have been a little rough. We haven't been quarelling, just that i feel that everything is so damned weird o.o" . & I get hurt by it, argh, is it because of the holidays or is he really up to something stupid? Who knows -.- I wanna know, where can i find answers?

& I thought you were perfect.

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