Saturday, January 23, 2010

So screwed;

I don't know why i'm blogging but, whattheheck.

Currently doing nothing, staring at the computer, practically stoning & feeling so bloody fucked up because of the freaking asshole-ish qwoiehfqwichwrleifjnwelrknwerifnwerfklnrfifr problem.

I think i might have some kinda mood swing problem, or maybe it's just the occasional fucked up moments you have once in a while. Tho, i wouldn't call this 'occasional'. Seems like it's coming everyday, and recently theres something wrong -.- I don't know what it is but there's definately something wrong & something's bothering me non stop but i dont know what it is. Plus, mum's being a total disturbance recently. Her nagging wouldn't stop, sigh.

Still, i'm trying to figure out whats wrong, whats missing, nothing's coming to my head. Whats wrong with meeeeeeeeeee. Prolly because of parents, and my painful tongue, & my lack of sleep, AND qwoiehfqwichwrleifjnwelrknwerifnwerfklnrfifr. Yeah, sigh.

Anyhuu, i'm fine, i'm not troubled, sad, worried, angry, whatnot. Just sometimes, yknw, those feelings come. Either way, i have to bear with it, right? Don't care what the fuck is happening around me, as long as i TRY to stay happy, then thats that :). Either way, i hope the qwoiehfqwichwrleifjnwelrknwerifnwerfklnrfifr problem is solved very soon. It's been going on since December, oh no wait, NOVEMBER =.= So for fuck sake, don't make me mad :)


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