Friday, December 19, 2008


Time: 9.0opm
Name : Andrea Mei
Age/Birthday: 15/03/95
School: Seri Cahaya.
Elder Sister: None.
Younger Sister: Dakota Fanning.
Elder Brother: Robert Pattinson
Younger Brother: Some australian kid.
Favourite Liquids: Starbucks. x_x
Favourite Food: Japanese
Favourite Place To Sleep: baby's arms ;)
Flying: o_o
Swimming/Diving: Sure.
How Many Friends in MSN: 301
Couple: leaving this blank.
Loved Ones: People.
Get Kicked On The Butt: Yeah, by friends.
Allergic: none.
Gastric: Sometimes.
Whole Fortune: so-so.
Age Of Marriage: 24?
Children Wanted: 2.
Age Of Death: 101 O:
Animals In House: Dog.
Longest fingernail Eve Kept: Piano. Can't keep long fingernails.
Wanted Birthday Present: Everything. O:

You read, you do this aye? 8D

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